Saturday, April 16, 2011


My theme was disappointment.

Soundscapes I reviewed:


  1. Yours was my favorite soundscape because the story was so easy to follow. It starts out with a clock ticking, a phone ringing, and a person (woman) typing. The clock starts out loud, then becomes familiar, displaying habituation. The clock and typing are in the background, while the phone ringing is in the foreground. All of a sudden there is a contrast, and magical daydream sounds occur. All of the sounds following convey deep space with lots of action taking place. You hear water splashing loudly, waves, people talking, and wind blowing. Directionality and intensity were displayed when the plane overhead seemed to grow louder and closer, then fade away. There is another contrast when the phone starts ringing again. We fall back into the habitual noise of the clock ticking and woman typing. The soundscape ends with seemingly sad lounge music that conveys the ultimate emotion of the clip: disappointment. I thought you did a great job matching the images with your sounds. Very well done!

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed your Soundscape. You were conveying an emotion by using the audio to make a visual in the listener’s head. In the beginning the space was flat, making it seem like the person in the soundscape was in their office at work. The layering of the clock, the typing, and the phone in the beginning are irritating to the listener, but then it is habituation. These sounds also create an illusion that there are a lot of sounds and things happening, when really there is only three. Then there is movement because of a harp glissando that transports the listener to a different space. The listener is transported to a beach in their minds because of the splash of water, the birds, and simply background noise that a person would hear there. Throughout this section there is movement because of the waves crashing, the wind blowing, and an airplane whizzing by. The space for the beach section is deep because the listener hears everything happening on the beach. Again the listener is transported, but this time it is back to the original space. The emotion is conveyed at the end by the caption in the image and by the soft piano playing.

  3. This sound scape did an amazing job of effectively conveying the emotion of disappointment. What I specifically think makes the sound scape great is the buildup. The manipulation of time is used well, in that the beginning sounds are natural and boring but the build to the middle takes the listener to a more unnatural visual and the process seems much longer than two minutes. The anticipation of something new then the transition make to normalcy is just as you meant it, disappointing. The manipulation of space is also worth mentioning because during the prior transitions mentioned the spacial exploration went from flat to deep back to flat. This is also disappointing because it built anticipation in the listener then suddenly brought them back to something they are already familiar with. The sound scape as a whole is very good and I am glad that I got the opportunity to listen to it. Good job.

  4. Adava! I think you did an awesome job with this assignment. Your Soundscape really gives me the feeling disappointment because you used manipulation of time as a great buildup to tell a story. You also did a really good job of covering the manipulation of space! Since you used more boring sounds at first, your space seemed very flat. But then as the song carried on, the sounds start to build on top of each other to give a higher level of timbre. (I really think your choice of the beachy-outside section helps with this.) Just when you think there is going to be some kind of resolution to the song, NO! It completely rids you of the feeling of anticipation and brings you back to the familiarity of the beginning. One of my favorites thus far :)

  5. The second soundscape is by Adava Gerace. Adava uses space along with the pictures. Whenever a change in sound happens the picture changes. As the clock ticks images of a house interior, a woman, and a bent clock are shown on the screen. When there is a water splash it shows a body floating in the water. The timing of the images and sound don't overlap, this gives the image that the sounds may not be connected. The fact that the woman is crying in the end makes me think that someone may have been late getting home, they had drown, and the woman is crying because the person was someone she cared about. The timing in the piece is important. If any of the sounds and images were moved around on the time scale the narrative wouldn't have made sense. I like this soundscape because it wasn't a song like most of the others. It had a narrative and could actually be interpreted by people. The pictures go along perfectly with the sounds. The exaggerated clock makes me feel the anxiety of the waiting person. The background sounds give the feeling that life is going on even though there is about to be a terrible tragedy.
